Assess Your Evaluation Capacity
There are mounting expectations to demonstrate program effectiveness and impacts relative to the intended developmental outcomes for children in the early years. For this reason, it is critical for the early childhood field to have valid frameworks and tools to help them identify and understand their most pressing evaluation capacity (EC) needs. As early childhood organizations and initiatives engage in evaluations more regularly, internally and externally, our EC tool can help to assess the state of their internal EC, to support and carry out critical evaluations. This will help early childhood stakeholders identify specific areas where resources could be diverted to most effectively support EC building activities in their organizations.
We provide this 28-item Evaluation Capacity Needs Assessment (ECNA) Tool, developed by members of the ECN, to assess your own evaluation capacity. This comes with proposed scoring and interpretation instructions to support the practical use of this tool.
This Evaluation Capacity Needs Assessment tool was built by members of the ECN.
In 2014 the Evaluation Capacity Network (the Network) was established to provide a coordinated response to the early childhood field’s evaluation support needs and to enhance access to quality evaluation knowledge, resources and expertise, in addition to capacity-building opportunities tailored to the needs of the field. As part of this response, the Network responded to the need for a psychometrically and contextually relevant tool for understanding individual and organizational evaluation capacity in the early childhood field. The ECN used a community-engaged approach to develop and validate the ECNA tool so that it is psychometrically valid and contextually relevant for use in early childhood organizations