Experiential Learning & Capacity Building

In partnership with community, we develop and deliver accessible learning opportunities to increase evaluation knowledge, skills, and motivation.

MaxBell EC3 Challenge

MaxBell EC3 Challenge

Manitoba Northern and Rural Institute in Program Evaluation

Manitoba Northern and Rural Institute in Program Evaluation

UEval: Evaluation Institute

UEval: Evaluation Institute



In the words of our learners

“Everyone had the opportunity to lean on others within the course to expand their perspectives and learn more. ... I think it creates a great opportunity for engagement, creativity and learning.”
Academic Learner
2019 UEval Cohort
"... when I return to working in the non-profit sector, I will take with me a new perspective on evaluation. It is no longer overwhelming and tiresome."
Graduate Student
ECN Trainee
“There was much about the content that was reaffirming for me, showing me that my organization is on the right track. ”
Community Learner
2019 UEval Cohort